Hawaii Dream

No more stories, no more stories, no more stories, no more stories
Are told today, told today, told today, told today
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry
They washed away, washed away, washed away, washed away

No more stories, no more stories, no more stories, no more stories
The world is grey, world is grey, world is grey, world is grey
I’m tired, I’m tired, I’m tired, I’m tired
Let’s wash away, wash away, wash away, wash away

No more stories, no more stories

4 thoughts on “Hawaii Dream”

  1. Does anyone know of any retailer in the US that will be carrying physical copies of the No More Stories EP? Worst case I’ll have to import I guess.

  2. Yeah I cant fricking wait any more.. I just cant, thank god there’s the show tomorrow, it is gonna be internetly broadcasted right?!?! please say yes. I never figured out the riddle if there was something more to figure other than the gig?

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